This World Health Day, expanding access to healthcare is more important than ever. MWL devotes humanitarian resources to communities across the globe, including to help stem the spread of…
MWL funds health initiatives across the continent of Africa. In Senegal last year, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa participated in the launch of a major hospital expansion project, providing enhanced…
April 7 is World Health Day. The Muslim World League is committed to providing support for countries around the world to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Regardless of faith, the MWL is supporting…
"The MWL is always proactive in providing aid, & has provided assistance to help fight coronavirus as part of its religious, moral & humanitarian obligation."
This week the MLW…
From its headquarters in Makkah Makkah , the MWL in the Land of goodness, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to implement the urgent response plan to mitigate the effects of the emerging…
The regional office of the Muslim World League in Islamabad delivered much-needed medical supplies to Pakistan’s government to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. COVID19 MWL in Pakistan
Throughout the coronavirus global health crisis, the Muslim World League continues to provide humanitarian assistance to communities in need regardless of faith. We are all in his together and we…
The Muslim World League appreciates the decision by King Salman to provide free treatment for anyone infected with COVID19 coronavirus in Saudi Arabia. This is a true expression of the…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa: It is critical that we confront extremist ideologies in every way possible, including by educating youth about integration & love of their neighbors.
In a recent interview with Al Monitor, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa highlighted that throughout this global health crisis, the MWL has provided significant humanitarian assistance to Muslim and non…
It is a religious, legal & moral duty to avoid any kind of gathering during the coronavirus pandemic. We must work together as a community and follow all health guidelines in order to protect…