In countries around the world, the MWL is working at both the community & governmental levels to expand access to critical healthcare supplies and food aid in response to the coronavirus…
Last year in Sri Lanka, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa had an opportunity to learn more about the core values of Buddhism & to expand ties with Buddhist leaders. MWL is committed to fostering…
In Serbia, the MWL provided financial support to help the government mitigate the effects of the COVID19 pandemic.
The MWL in Malawi has donated more than 300 tons of maize flour to the Malawi Government through the Ministries of Disaster Management Affairs & Public Events. This donation will be…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa emphasizes the role that Responsible Leaders must play in society: "A leader must have strength, integrity, and humility. They must lead wisely and justly, learn from…
The MWL advocates for an approach in which governments & organizations work cooperatively to counter extremism. Last year, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa explained the importance of building strong…
The Muslim World League distributed 10,000 health kits containing awareness materials and preventive equipment in South Africa as part of its COVID19 relief efforts.
Every day, MWL works across cultures, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds to build a more tolerant and peaceful world.
In response to the UN 's urgent response plan to address coronavirus, the MWL prepared a number of humanitarian initiatives to help the communities most in need.
Itikaf is the practice of secluding oneself in a mosque to worship Allah for a period of time. Sunnah Itikaf takes place during the last 10 days of Ramadan. DefiningIslam
To combat the coronavirus pandemic in Somalia, the MWL is providing financial assistance to purchase protective equipment and other critical health supplies. COVID19
The Musl im World League is breaking down walls through dialogue with communities around the world. Dialogue ultimately leads to better understanding, more love and heightened co-existence, goals…
In response to COVID19, the MWL is providing food assistance in Nigeria to orphans, the elderly, the sick, and those with special needs who cannot leave their homes due to the pandemic.
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa: "There has never been a just reason for bigotry. Bigotry is the result of a closed mind, a closed heart, and closed eyes."