At UNESCO HQ, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa met with Director-General Audrey Azoulay: "We appreciate the efforts by the MWL in strengthening friendship between nations, & we commend your visit to…
"Islam is inherently non-political. Islam with a political agenda does not represent the true values of Islam or any nation." - HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa
The Muslim World League, led by HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa, called for the prevention of the spread of extremist ideals among young people at the International Conference on Initiatives for Protecting…
MWL founded the International Organization for Relief, Welfare & Development in 1978 to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and relief to countries around the world. MWL Facts
Access to clean and safe drinking water is a human right. Last year, MWL funded a large-scale project to dig wells in Ghana, strengthening local communities.
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa was honored by the President of the Renaissance of Muslim Scholars Association in Indonesia at a luncheon last week.
The Muslim World League is committed to providing relief to individuals affected by war & natural disasters in countries around the world as part of its humanitarian program.
In Indonesia, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa discussed the MWL's commitment to promoting tolerance & moderation around the world, emphasizing the importance of expanding cooperation in the face of…
MWL promotes responsible leadership across the globe. Responsible Leaders act out of conviction & make decisions in the interests of all, including future generations.
We are all called to love one another. The Muslim World Leauge creates avenues for interfaith cooperation and respect through its work around the world. HE Dr. Mohammad…
To confront extremist ideologies, we must start by educating youth about the importance of integration and love of their neighbor.…
Each and every day, MWL promotes tolerance and moderation to drown out the voice of hatred.
Last month in Jakarta, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa and the Vice President of Indonesia laid the foundation stone for a new branch of the Museum of the Life of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization. MWL…
Did You Know that The Five Pillars are the foundation to Islamic life and faith? DefiningIslam
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa calls on all religious and intellectual organizations…