On Eid AlAdha last week, the MWL in Pakistan inaugurated a meat-distribution project that will provide halal meat to communities in need around the country. This project is a continuation of the…
As part of its humanitarian mission, MWL steps up to help communities in need of assistance after natural disasters. Earlier this year, our team distributed 1,000+ bags of flour to citizens…
"We have all seen in recent days how important it is that we as societies – and even as a global society – work toward common objectives. And that we frame these objectives around the ideals of…
The Muslim World League (MWLOrg_en) inaugurated a project in Pakistan on Eid AlAdha aimed at slaughtering animals and distributing their meat to the poor
Coexistence between faiths is key to creating a more peaceful, prosperous future for all. The MWL actively works to break down barriers between religions.
To build a healthier world, we must all do our part to safeguard the planet. The Muslim World League supports sustainability initiatives that aim to protect the environment & build a better…
As the world grapples with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the Muslim World League is committed to providing critical medical supplies to communities facing the most need.
On behalf of the Muslim World League, our Secretary General, HE Mohammed AlIssa wishes you a blessed Eidal Adha Eid Mubarak
The Muslim World League congratulates the Islamic world on the occasion of the blessed Eidal Adha, “May God make it a festival of goodness and blessing for all.”
The Muslim World League wishes you a very happy Eidal Adha. Eid Mubarak
The MWL works to form strong relationships with organizations & leaders across the world. On this World Friendship Day, we thank our partners for their strong commitment to confronting the…
We believe in a world without Human Trafficking. On World Day Against Traffic kingIn Persons, MWL reiterates the importance of standing together as an interfaith, intercultural community to…
We must all work together to End Human Trafficking.
Trafficking in persons is a flagrant violation of human dignity. The Musli mWorld League supports all efforts to combat this heinous crime & encourages urgent international cooperation to End…
Human Trafficking is a threat to human dignity. Every person has a responsibility to do their part to stand against trafficking in persons by educating themselves, spreading knowledge, and…