Access to clean, safe drinking water is a human right. Last year, the MWL dug thousands of wells in Ghana to help facilitate access to water for local communities.
The Muslim World League works every day to promote the true values of Islam.
The Muslim World League continues to provide relief to the people of Lebanon following the tragic explosion earlier this month. As part of its overall humanitarian mission, the MWL is committed to…
The Muslim World League signed an agreement with the UNHCR to support the “Live, Learn & Participate” project, which seeks to benefit refugees around the world. This agreement is a…
During the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, the Muslim World League remains committed to providing humanitarian aid around the world. The MWL distribution more than 4,000 food baskets in Afghanistan…
The Muslim World League works to empower the younger generation by providing aid, bolstering communities and creating opportunities for the future.
In Pakistan, the MWL office sent essential health kits & preventive supplies to health agencies to help mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. COVID19
Last year, as part of the MWL's mission to expand interfaith unity, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa met with the the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia & expressed his appreciation for the…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa spoke to the Union of OIC_OCI News Agencies (UNA). The MWL Secretary General emphasized the importance of coexistence and harmony among the followers of different…
To solve the most pressing problems facing our society today, we must work together. In line with our commitment to global collaboration, the MWL is a member of 14 international organizations.
August 21 was the UN International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. Last year, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa visited the site of the Easter Sunday church attack in Sri Lanka to…
On August 22, the UN recognizes the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. The Charter of Makkah declares that religious and cultural…
The Charter of Makkah sends a clear message to the global community that we must stand together to defeat terrorism & extremist thought.
"No one should be killed for daring only to pray. No one should be threatened for expressing his or her beliefs." - HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa on UN International Day Commemorating the…