The Muslim World League fights against extremist ideologies & recognizes that education is an imperative part of promoting tolerance. To advance this fight, the MWL provides critical resources…
Amid the COVID19 pandemic, the Muslim World League remains committed to providing humanitarian aid abroad. As part of this commitment, our team recently directed & oversaw the distribution of…
The MWL has always worked diligently to provide critical food aid vulnerable communities. Throughout the global coronavirus pandemic, our team has re-doubled efforts to distribute food baskets to…
Since taking over the Muslim World League, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa has fought the forces of hatred and violence by promoting tolerance & breaking down boundaries to build strong partnerships.…
The Five Pillars of Islam spell out the obligations that every Muslim must satisfy as the foundation of Islamic life. DefiningIslam
The Muslim World League is providing daily support to countries around the world to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Regardless of faith, the MWL is supporting government & community efforts…
“The Muslim World League Secretary General, Dr. Mohammad Alissa, pressed a message of interfaith dialogue, religious tolerance, & peaceful coexistence with global religious authorities,”…
The Muslim World League supports the Cairo Declaration and stands with Egypt in preserving its borders and security.
The MWL in Kosovo partnered with the Red Cross of Kosovo to deliver food aid to individuals impacted by the ongoing COVID19 coronavirus pandemic.
The Mayor of Kastriot, Kosovo honors the Muslim World League for its support in combatting the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic. MWL in Kosovo
The MWL commends EU_Commission EU2020HR & equineteurope for their online conference on fighting the discrimination against Muslim communities in Europe held last week. Leaders…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa advocates for protecting youth from indoctrination by extremist ideologies. MWL
The MWL's mission is to promote the true values of Islam.To further this goal, the Islamic Fiqh Council focuses on clarifying Islamic rules and modernizing historic guidance by encouraging…