Dr. Al-Issa Delivers Keynote Address at International Interfaith Peace Conference in Islamabad
Al-Zamazemah Signs MOU with the International Fair and Museum of the Prophet's Biography and Islamic…
Dr. Al-Issa Meets the Consul General and Representative of Iraq to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Dr. Al-Issa Meets Somalia’s Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs
Dr. Al-Issa Meets Pakistani Senator and Secretary General of Jamiat Ahle-e-Hadith
The Muslim World League a strategic partner of the largest global exhibition of the development of the…
Dr. Al-Issa Meets Prominent African Imam Mahmoud Dicko
In the presence of its Secretary General: The Muslim World League signs a scientific and cultural cooperation…
Dr. Al-Issa Meets Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Al-Issa Meets Iraqi Religious Authority, Sheikh Fadel Al-Budairi
Muslim World League Praises the Great Islamic and International Interaction with the Charter of Makkah
MWL Signs Humanitarian Aid Agreement with IFRC
MWL participates in Mediterranean Dialogues Conference
Columbia University Hosts Discussion Panel featuring Dr. Al-Issa
MWL Partners with Columbia University to Launch International Interfaith Lab
Hadith of the prophet PBUH
Dr. Al-Issa Encourages Authentic Stories in Media about Muslims
Dr. Al-Issa Wins Award for Washington Post Commentary in Washington, D.C.