London hosts the first Conference of Leaders of the Muslim Community in Europe chaired by Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa…
In London, HE Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Alissa , SG of the MWL, inaugurated the 1st conference for Muslim religious…
HE Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Alissa, the Secretary-General of the MWL met with the leaders of the Woolf Institute at…
The Muslim World League communicates with various leaderships and holds discussions at various levels to…
The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office hosts HE Sheikh Dr.Mhmd Alissa, Secretary-General of…
During his visit to the United Kingdom to chair the Conference of Leaders of Muslims European Communities in…
For the First time, Buckingham Palace receives an Islamic Figure Charles III receives the Secretary General of…
British Parliament & Sir Stephen Timms, the Chairman of the Environment Committee of Parliament hosted a…
At an official invitation and in the presence of military leaders of the British army and international forces…
HE Sheikh Dr.Mohammad Alissa , the SG of the MWL, met with HE Cardinal Vincent Collins, the Archbishop of…
HE Dr.Mohammad Alissa , the SG of the MWL, met with Sir Ephraim Mirvis
HE Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, hosted HE Sheikh Dr.Mohamma Alissa, the SG of the MWL, for lunch at…
On a visit announced by the Vatican, Dr. Al-Issa receives the archbishop of Vienna in Riyadh at the MWL's…
HE Cardinal Dr.Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, & the accompanying delegation arrive in Riyadh
The Vatican announces his visit at the invitation of MWL
His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Al-Majdouie represents the MWL at the 17th Session of the Parliamentary Union of…
Muslim World League Opposes Religious Hatred
MWL Condemns and Combats Discrimination Against Minorities