SG meets in Washington with Mr. Douglas Budget, Senior Advisor on terrorism & violence combat, State Dept, Special advisor on freedom & advisor to freedom…
HE, SG Dr. Mohammed Alissa's address to the conference: "The Road to Global Alliance of Religions and Peace-Loving People" Prominent international religious, political…
1-After monitoring some violations, MWL has warned certain unions and associations exporting beef from Brazil to a number of Muslim countries.MWL has given these unions and associations a two-…
The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, received at his office today the MWL's Secretary General, Dr Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Alissa. Both leaders…
HE, the SG on the subject of “Addressing violence committed in the name of religion” held in Rome said: Ideology of exclusion & hatred…
HE the MWL's SG visits the Islamic Center in Rome & meets with its leaders and talks with them about a number of topics related to the Center's duties. These…
H.E. the SG met this afternoon in Rome with members of the Pontifical Studies Institute in the Vatican. His Excellency received an invitation 2 deliver a lecture on Islamic thought, its overall…
The letter of HE the Secretary-General of the MWL to Ms. Bloomfield, Director of the Holocaust Memorial USA
HE the MWL's SG meets in his office in Riyadh Mr. Richard Murphy, the former American diplomat and political studies expert. A number of topics of common interest were discussed.
1-Before some months, Muslim World League (MWL) concluded restructuring Halal Meat Dept. by attracting a number of experts…
HE the MWL's SG received today at his Riyadh office HE the Italian Ambassador to the Kingdom, Mr. Luca Ferrari where they talked about topics of common interest.
Within its relief programs," the Muslim World League is implementing the waterways project in Somalia, which has been disrupted for the last 20 years as a result of the Somali war. Hundreds of…
HE the SG signs a cooperation agreement with the World Council of Religious Leaders on Wednesday; signed by HE the SG of the Council Dr. Bawa Jain. It included…