The Grand Imam of Bordeaux joined this afternoon’s panel at CIP 2019: "We should always strive for unity. Any interpretation of religion that calls for division is not a good interpretation.…
Mgr Gérard Defois discusses the importance of sacred texts during this afternoon's panel at CIP 2019: "Our sacred texts are the way in which we pass down the wisdom of our forefathers, but we must…
In this afternoon's panel discussion, Rabbi Philippe Had dad encourages participants at the Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity to "seek peace in your community, for that…
Today in Paris, the Muslim World League with @FondIslamFR will host Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders from around the world at the Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity …
MWL's programs aim to turn vision into reality, encouraging individuals around the world to take action through dialogue & collaboration.
Last month, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa visited Italy for the 40th annual Rimini Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples
@MeetingRimini. The Muslim World League Pavilion showcased MWL's…
Mgr Gérard Defois at CIP 2019: In this time of partisan divisions when there are tragedies underway, we are rising to the challenge by meeting together. The Paris International Conference for…
François Clavairoly, President of the Protestant Federation of France, at CIP2019: Our strength comes from calm & confidence. It is not aggressive, it is not a threat. Dear friends let…
Ghaleb Bencheikh, President of Fond Islam FR says today's Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity marks the beginning of a new era.
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa at today's Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity CIP2019: Any form of hatred, violence or racism in our society reflects that those who call for these…
The Grand Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Abdellatif Deriane, recalls the call for peace outlined in the Charterof Makkah at the Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity happening today.…
At CIP 2019, Mgr Emmanuel Adamkis says religion is an integral factor to peace. Religion can help protect human dignity. This is why it is important to participate in interfaith dialogue to build…
In 2017, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa visited the Paris Grand Synagogue with Rabbi Haim Korsia. Today, the Rabbi recalled a verse: "My home will be a home of prayer for all peoples." Despite the…
The Paris International Conference for Peaceand Solidarity begins with a moment of silence in honor of victims of terrorism. Participants will call forth and embody peace and harmony during today'…
The Charterof Makkah was signed earlier this year by more than 1,200 leading Muslim scholars to outline the Muslim Word League's vision to promote noble values, build bridges, & confront…