HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa condemns the terrorist attacks in Paris, France & Halle, Germany and offers condolences to the families of the victims. The MWL stands in solidarity with the authorities…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa travels the world meeting with faith leaders to promote interreligious dialogue & collaboration. We must all unite and work as one to achieve peace.
Salat is prayer performed by Muslims five times per day. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
The Charterof Makkah spells out the importance of protecting our planet. The destruction of our natural resources is a violation of the rights of generations to come. MWL
MWL has developed rapid response capabilities to address the most critical needs when natural disasters strike. In 2018, our emergency campaign covered the basic needs of over 30,000 people within…
By providing life-changing resources, MWL's humanitarian initiatives ease the burdens placed on vulnerable communities, including the psychological impact associated with violence & terrorism…
The Collège of Bernardins in Paris gave HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa a medal for his efforts in promoting peace & solidarity between the world's faiths. MWL strives to cultivate interreligious…
This summer, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa stood in solidarity with leaders at the Conference on Peace, Harmony & Coexistence in SriLanka. The conference aimed to send a clear message to extremists…
ICYMI: HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa condemned the images circulating in Australian media depicting humiliating treatment of Jewish students. Islam always respects the adherents of other religions.
As part of its humanitarian mission, the Muslim World League provides emergency aid to communities impacted by natural disasters. Last year, MWL provided assistance to more than 13,000 individuals…
Religious leaders must build harmony among all people and encourage dialogue to push back against violent & extremist ideologies.
MWL's commitment to promoting access to safe drinking water continued this summer in Ghana when HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa inaugurated the League Well Project. The wells provide fresh water to the…
Upholding preconceived prejudices prevents achieving true understanding among people. HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa urges all to set harmful notions aside in favor of promoting peace. MWL
Education is key to countering extremism & promoting tolerance. MWL's programs around the world seek to empower youth with the resources they need to thrive.