Dr. Allal Ez-Zahouany addresses 1200 Islamic Figures from 127 Countries representing 28 Islamic Components at the MWL conference on Islamic Unity
Dr. Allal Ez-Zahouany addresses 1200 Islamic Figures from 127 Countries representing 28 Islamic Components at the MWL conference on Islamic Unity: Perlis of Labeling & Exclusion, held in Makkah under the Patronage of the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques. Muslim Makkah Conference.
Dr. Allal Ez-Zahouany - Secretary General of the Forum of the Center - Belgium
Muslims in the West enjoy the rights of citizenship, equality, and recognition of the right of difference and distinction in matters of belief.
The Muslim World League contributed to the establishment and construction of many Islamic institutions in non-Muslim countries.
Scholars should intensify their efforts of care provided to Muslims residing in Western countries.
The message of Muslims everywhere is to benefit people as much and to cooperate with them.
Islamic institutions, centers and organizations in Western countries should strive to serve issues that would benefit the general interest of Muslims.