All people deserve respect, equality, and safety. We are one family and when one part is made vulnerable we…
slam, a Message of Mercy and PeaceLast spring, HE Dr. Mohammed Alissa attended 'I
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa met with the Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chen Weiqing at the MWL headquarters to…
President Macky_Sall PR_Senegal gave HE Dr.Mohammed Alissa the Grand Order of the State in recognition of his…
The MWL is committed to providing access to medicine to communities around the world
MWL is helping to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen by donating food, providing potable drinking water…
The Muslim World League calls on all religious leaders to combat ideological incursions by extremists and…
We must not allow our faiths to be defined by the horrible actions of a handful of individuals
Despite the dangerous conditions, the Muslim World League continues to provide urgently needed food aid to…
We must stand against all violent actions committed in houses of worship
In Ghana HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa inaugurated a new large mosque which will provide thousands of worshipping…
In 2019, HE Dr. Mohammed Alissa attended the "Friendship Among Peoples" Conference in Rimini, Italy…
Appreciating the holy places of other religions is a key part of building bridges between faiths
The Muslim World League encourages everyone to tackle these ideas and seek a more peaceful future for all
The Prophet taught us how to interact with everyone around us. To honor his Hadith we must follow his example…
Far too often the actions of extremists paint our religion as harmful and violent. We must challenge these…
The MWL supports medical programs around the world
Violence between religions makes us all partners in grief